If your dog has sprained her wrist, your vet may recommend a front leg brace to help support the injury while it heals. A dog wrist brace offers stability and support for the leg. This helps decrease pain and inflammation when the dog is active and speeds up the healing process. Your vet may also suggest other modalities to help the injury heal.
If you think your dog has a sprained wrist, it’s important to see your vet as soon as possible. Sprains are categorized into 3 grades based on severity of the injury. If the injury is less serious, your vet may suggest anti-inflammatory medication, rest, and lower activity. If the injury is severe, your vet may recommend surgery. If surgery isn’t a good option, a dog wrist brace may be used to help the injury heal.
Generally, it will take 6 weeks for your dog’s sprained leg to heal. The biggest challenge may be getting your dog to slow down enough to allow the injury to heal properly. If your dog’s activity level is not decreased, there’s a risk of re-injury or a chronic injury that may require surgery down the line.
Our NeoAlly® Dog Front Leg Brace can be used to support your dog’s sprained wrist and still allow significant mobility. We have non-rigid braces and braces with metal reinforcements to allow the appropriate level of support to help your dog’s injury heal.
How Do You Know if Your Dog has a Sprained Wrist?
The most common sign of a sprained wrist on your dog is swelling at the affected site. Muscular sprains develop due to activities that cause accidental damage to the joints or cartilage. A sprain may occur if the dog accidentally slips or plays rough outdoor games. Dog wrist braces can help support the wounded leg and reduce swelling.
4 Symptoms of a Dog’s Sprained Wrist
- Limping and favoring one leg over the other
- Swelling or redness of joints
- Lameness
- Swollen paws
It’s important to consult with your veterinarian to get a proper diagnosis and make a treatment plan.
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